Exania Account Access

Initiate Your Account Setup

Exania is an artificial intelligence platform engineered for scientific research and specialized applications in government, space agencies, energy and biotechnology sectors. Unlike typical web based platforms, Exania operates on a secure, blockchain validated database. The software is compatible with Windows/macOS/Linux operating systems and requires at least 50GB of initial storage space, with an additional 150GB for ongoing operations. Continuous internet connectivity is essential, as your system will also serve as a node validating the information used by other Exania users.

Ongoing learning and development are at the core of Exania’s functionality, designed for a limited and highly specialized user base. For further details, please refer to our technical documentation.

Access to the Exania network is exclusively available to qualified researchers and entities within government and biotechnological fields. Prospective users must provide a corporate email address for verification through our early access system. Once verified, you will receive an email with a download link, followed by account creation access.

Please note our strict policy on intellectual property and usage rights: Recording, whether through video or screenshots, during Exania trials is strictly prohibited. The information utilized is intended solely for research purposes and must not be used commercially. The institution you represent will be legally bound by these usage terms. Exania is strictly non commercial and is not intended for personal use.

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